Tell us about your project!
We develop your app from start to finish, successfully navigating the complexities of the mobile-Health sphere.
QM Connector Framework
QuantiModo’s Connector Framework is a simple and easy way to sync Apps and Devices. We allow intervals ranging from instantaneous to weekly for automatic syncing of any apps the participant uses.
The API connector framework will allow ongoing regular import of user data after a single user authorization. SDK’s will enable developers to implement easy automatic sharing options in their applications. An increase in the quantity of data will produce a proportional increase the number of clinical discoveries made.
We developed an application programming interface (API) for receiving and sharing data, a spreadsheet upload/import module, a connector framework to pull data from existing third party API’s, and software development kits (SDK’s).
QM Analytics Engine
The QM Analytics Engine mines data using powerful, proprietary algorithms which perform:
- temporal precedence accounting
- longitudinal data aggregation
- erroneous data filtering
- unit conversions
- ingredient tagging
- variable grouping
All of this allows us to identify the strongest predictors of symptoms and quantify the likely effects of treatments and other factors.